Unconscious and Conscious Processes


  1. Michael V. Antony . Are our concepts “conscious state” and “conscious creature” vague?
  2. Bernard J. Baars, Stan Franklin (2003). How conscious experience and working memory interact.
  3. Bernard J. Baars, Uma Ramamurthy, Stan Franklin (2007). How deliberate, spontaneous, and unwanted memories emerge in a computational model of consciousness.
  4. Rajendra D. Badgaiyan (2005). Conscious awareness of retrieval: An exploration of the cortical connectivity.
  5. Moshe Bar (2000). Conscious and nonconscious processing of visual object identity.
  6. Ned Block (2003). Spatial perception via tactile sensation.
  7. Stephen Braude . Memory without a trace.
  8. J. Campbell (1997). The structure of time in autobiographical memory.
  9. Peter Carruthers (2006). Conscious experience versus conscious thought.
  10. Peter Carruthers (2007). The illusion of conscious will.
  11. Axel Cleeremans . Fishing with the wrong nets: How the implicit slips through the representational theory of mind.
  12. Axel Cleeremans, Luis Jimenez (2002). Implicit Learning and Consciousness: A Graded, Dynamic Perspective.
  13. Axel Cleeremans . Implicit learning in the presence of multiple cues.
  14. Axel Cleeremans . Rules vs. statistics in implicit learning of biconditional grammars.
  15. Axel Cleeremans (2006). Time, action, and consciousness.
  16. Axel Cleeremans (2006). Conscious and unconscious cognition: A graded, dynamic perspective.
  17. J. A. Debner, Larry L. Jacoby (1994). Unconscious perception: Attention, awareness, and control.
  18. Stanislas Dehaene, Jean-Pierre Changeux, Lionel Naccache, Jérôme Sackur, Claire Sergent (2006). Conscious, preconscious, and subliminal processing: A testable taxonomy.
  19. Arnaud Destrebecqz, Philippe Peigneux, Steven Laureys, Christian Degueldre, Guy Del Fiore, Joel Aerts, Andre Luxen, Martial van der Linden, Axel Cleeremans, Pierre Maquet (2003). Cerebral correlates of explicit sequence learning.
  20. Arnaud Destrebecqz, Axel Cleeremans (2001). Can sequence learning be implicit? New evidence with the process dissociation procedure.
  21. Jérôme Dokic (2001). Is memory purely preservative?
  22. Sean Draine, Anthony G. Greenwald (1998). Replicable unconscious semantic priming.
  23. Sean Draine, Anthony G. Greenwald, Mahzarin R. Banaji (1996). Modeling unconscious gender bias in fame judgments.
  24. Fred Dretske (2006). Perception without awareness.
  25. Włodzisław Duch . Brain-inspired conscious computing architecture.
  26. Martin Eimer, Friederike Schlaghecken (2002). Links between conscious awareness and response inhibition: Evidence from masked priming.
  27. Jordi Fernandez (2006). The intentionality of memory.
  28. Melvin Fitting . A logic of explicit knowledge.
  29. Melvin Fitting . Explicit logics of knowledge and conservativity.
  30. Keith Frankish (2002). Language, consciousness, and cross-modular thought.
  31. Vincian Gaillard, Muriel Vandenberghe, Arnaud Destrebecqz, Axel Cleeremans (2006). First and third-person approaches in implicit learning research.
  32. John M. Gardiner (2002). Episodic memory and autonoetic consciousness: A first-person approach.
  33. Anthony G. Greenwald, E. Spangenberg, A. R. Pratkanis, J. Eskenazi (1991). Double blind tests of subliminal self-help audiotapes.
  34. Anthony Greenwald . A unified theory of implicit attitudes, stereotypes, self-esteem, and self-concept.
  35. Stuart R. Hameroff (2006). The entwined mysteries of anesthesia and consciousness.
  36. Huping Hu, Maoxin Wu . Photon induced non-local effects of general anaesthetics on the brain.
  37. Sid Kouider, Stanislas Dehaene (2007). Levels of processing during non-conscious perception: A critical review of visual masking.
  38. Craig Kunimoto, Jeff G. Miller, Harold Pashler (2001). Confidence and accuracy of near-threshold discrimination responses.
  39. Elizabeth F. Loftus, M. R. Klinger (1992). Is the unconscious Smart or dumb?
  40. James W. Manns, R. Clark, L. R. Squire (2000). Awareness predicts the magnitude of single-cue trace eyeblink conditioning.
  41. Joseph R. Manns, Robert E. Clark, Larry R. Squire (2001). Single-cue delay eyeblink conditioning is unrelated to awareness.
  42. Dawn M. McBride, B. Dosher (2002). A comparison of conscious and automatic memory processes for picture and word stimuli: A process dissocation analysis.
  43. Philip M. Merikle, M. Daneman (1997). Psychological investigations of unconscious perception.
  44. Philip M. Merikle, M. Daneman (1996). Memory for unconsciously perceived events: Evidence from anesthetized patients.
  45. Edward Merrillb, Todd Petersonb . From implicit skills to explicit knowledge: A bottom-up model of skill learning.
  46. Stephen R. Mitroff, Brian J. Scholl (2005). Forming and updating object representations without awareness: Evidence from motion-induced blindness.
  47. F. A. Muller . The implicit definition of the set-concept.
  48. Lionel Naccache, Stanislas Dehaene (2001). Unconscious semantic priming extends to novel unseen stimuli.
  49. Flavio T. P. Oliveira, David Goodman (2004). Conscious and effortful or effortless and automatic: A practice-performance paradox in motor learning.
  50. Pierre Perruchet, Annie Vinter (2002). The self-organizing consciousness.
  51. Eyal M. Reingold (2004). Unconscious perception: Assumptions and interpretive difficulties.
  52. Robert S. Siegler (2000). Unconscious insights.
  53. Gertrud B. Ujhely (2003). The magical level of consciousness.
  54. Muriel Vandenberghe, Nicolas Schmidt, Patrick Fery, Axel Cleeremans (2006). Can amnesic patients learn without awareness? New evidence comparing deterministic and probabilistic sequence learning.
  55. Troy A. W. Visser, Philip M. Merikle (1999). Conscious and unconscious processes: The effects of motivation.